[Urgent] How can i simulate data transmission between MicroBlaze and Hyperterminal ?

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Junior Member level 3
Jan 24, 2013
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Dear all

I'm a new user on EDK and i want to simulate this processor for a specific purpose (I just want to simulate and not to implement on a real FPGA platform). I need to feed data to processor from my PC. I think that the only way to do this is to transmit data from Hyperterminal to MicroBlaze. If so, how can i do this? Please provide me step-by-step instructions for this purpose. Is there any other way?

i want to simulate this processor .... (I just want to simulate and not to implement on a real FPGA platform).
So you want to simulate but then you go on to say....
I need to feed data to processor from my PC. I think that the only way to do this is to transmit data from Hyperterminal to MicroBlaze.
I'm confused...If you want to simulate the MicroBlaze in say Modelsim you can't communicate with it via Hyperterminal. Besides I wouldn't even try to run a simulation that has to boot the MicroBlaze and run SW. If you have a week to run the simulation you might get somewhere with it.

If you just want to run it in a test bench you'll have to create a bus functional model of a UART transmit that will be attached to the UART of the MicroBlaze.

What you're trying to do will be a lot easier using a MicroBlaze system running on an FPGA.

Thanks for your reply.

I think it's better to get my data using a specific core that reads a file containing the data.

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