urgent help in hfss abt grounding prob

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Newbie level 6
Jan 9, 2011
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dear friends, i m new to HFSS s/w so plz guide me abt how to simulate (i.e. to add) ground plane in system design. also if possible tell me how to analyze distributed single point grounding system in HFSS............. urgent.

The simplest way is to make the surface as Perf E boundary. Or you can assign material as copper, but for that you need finite thickness for the ground plane.
thanks sv1437.

---------- Post added at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 ----------

Hi sv1437,
well i ve to implement a structure in HFSS wherein i ve to excite my structure with a transient signal. for this i ve 2 options:

1. Export the equivalent ckt from HFSS to any spice software and then excite it with transient signal.
(I tried this, for this i used driven terminal mode of analysis. But when i go for "matrix data" option in solution data under results, the "export equivalent ckt " option is not enabled).

2. Import transient signal data to HFSS and then excite the structure.
(For this we don't ve any clue).

apart from this i ve few more doubts as below:
1. how to connect 2 structures using wires.
2. significance of eigen mode solutions.

thank u in advance......

If you want to connect two structures in HFSS using wires, I used bond wire connections and eigen-mode solution is used to find the resonant frequencies of the structure.

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