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hi. i am trying to build driver for phase shifted dc-dc converter topology(figure 2).
to test driver i have built figure1. but i could't obtain any successful result.
frequency of the pwm pulses are 85khz. pulse transformer will drive a mosfet which has 8nF input capacitance.
simulate it i have put 10nf to output.
centre area of the pulse transformer(EE core) approximately 0.8cm^2
i have tryed different wind nubbers.(11-15-20-28 number for each windind). outputs of the pulse transformers
are not in desired sheap. they are like in figure 3.
also i am burning my buffers...
i need urgent help.
what do you suggest?..........
to test driver i have built figure1. but i could't obtain any successful result.
frequency of the pwm pulses are 85khz. pulse transformer will drive a mosfet which has 8nF input capacitance.
simulate it i have put 10nf to output.
centre area of the pulse transformer(EE core) approximately 0.8cm^2
i have tryed different wind nubbers.(11-15-20-28 number for each windind). outputs of the pulse transformers
are not in desired sheap. they are like in figure 3.
also i am burning my buffers...
i need urgent help.
what do you suggest?..........