urgent ...can u help me in this doubt in this concept.?

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Newbie level 6
Jan 1, 2006
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hii frnds..i am doin my project in vhdl. i am giving my aim of the project. what i need is whether there is a compatibility between virtexe and spartan2 fpgas for keyboard interface,displa interface.lcd& 7 segment display interface and also i2c.is it better 2 use 2 kits or is it better 2 write a program on chip (micro controller89s52) and then interface it to virtexe fpga?please help me..i have lakhs of doubts in this..no oe 2 guide properly...please help me as soon as possible....thanks...

AIM: Implementing I2C protocol and utilizing it to control a multiplexed display.

Description: two FPGA boards are utilized,
Board 1
o The I2C master and keyboard interface is implemented.
o The Keyboard interface is implemented to accept the data and display options and converts it into serial I2C format.
o I2C is implemented to transfer the data from the Keyboard logic in the Board one to Board two where the display logic is implemented.

Board 2
o I2C Slave and display driver is implemented.
o Display driver includes Data RAM to store the information to be displayed; Control RAM to set the display options and LCD interface Logic.
o I2C slave is implemented to receive the data from Keyboard implemented on Board one.

Keyboard Interface:
Utilizes the user definable switches available on the board.
Has predefined Hex values for each characters and control signals.
Includes a temporary register to transfer the data from Keyboard Buffer to I2C Master.

Display controller
A Data RAM is implemented to store the display characters.
A Control RAM is implemented to set the different display settings for the LCD (Scrolling, move up, Move down).
Has an LCD interface to initialize the display (Resetting, Setting the character Modes and Display options).

I2C communication protocol implemented for a single master Mode.

if you write keyboard controller core and implement on two different FPGAs the result will be the same. i dont understand when you say compatibility between virtex and spartan. arent you going to connect the two kits using I2C?? if both connect to each other using I2C then why are you asking for compatibility? the keyboard will be on one of the kits and the display will be on the other. the keyboard controller on one kit wont communicate directly to the display controller on the other kit.

and by the way how big is the display? and what do you mean by multiplexed?

my first doubt is that how a master communicates wit ha slave..how signals are transferred from the master 2 slave..are there any interfacing ports 2 b connected for this transmission? please explain me..i am new in this design..

the master communicates with the slave according to the I2C protocol. so you should study the I2C specification from phillip's website

**broken link removed**

and yes you will have to use the pins available on the kit for interfacing using the I2C bus.

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