Upgrade for MPLAB v8.92

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Full Member level 5
Feb 1, 2006
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Melbourne Australia
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I discovered that there is a MPLAB 8.14.05 which, I assume, is later than the v8.92 that I have.
So I tried to download it from the Microchip site but could not find it. Every search I did led to info I did not want.
Does anyone know where I can find MPLAB 8.14.05?
I was told by someone to "scroll down" the Microchip web page. I did that, but found nothing.
Any assistance will be appreciated.

Thanks Susan for the response.
I downloaded MPLAB X but found it to be more complicated than what I needed. Also, I could not work out how to make it work properly (long story).
I'm sure I would have eventually worked it out but I have a busy life & don't want to spend the time if there is an alternative.

All I want to do is to programme the PIC 16F1708. It is listed in the MPLAB v8.92 but for reasons I don't now recall (it was several weeks ago), there were some problems with it.
I was able to write the .asm programme but ran into issues that I could not resolve.

So I downloaded X but it proved to be a nightmare.

I thought that v8.92 was the latest but then discovered a reference to v8.14.05. So I thought that this version may have been upgraded to fully support the 16F1708.

I've been using v8.92 & earlier versions for many years & am familiar with them.

In short, I want to try v8.14.05. If that fails to deliver, I will then persevere with MPLAB X.

According to my reading of MPLAB version numbers, 14 is smaller than 92. The said version is probably a 8.14 patch. What make you think there's a newer version than 8.92.

Thanks for the response. When I tried to import the programme from 8.92, a message appeared saying (I don't recall it in detail) that I needed MPLAB 8.14.03A or later e.g. 8.14.05.

So I assumed that these must be later versions than 8.92. Otherwise, the importation should have worked. But perhaps there was another reason.

Your understanding of the error message makes no sense. If it's a 8.92 message, how should the software know about future versions. It rather means that the version of the imported file must be >= 8.14

Your understanding of the error message makes no sense. If it's a 8.92 message, how should the software know about future versions. It rather means that the version of the imported file must be >= 8.14
Yes, you're right. It must have been wishful thinking.

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