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i am writing a program for an 8051...the program is suppose to erase device memory then read a value from variable EEADR and store in EEBYT and output the value to port 3...finally it is suppose to write a byte to EEPROM with address in EEADR and value in EEBYT...i am using the 8051 IDE to compile this and it compiles fine but i cant figure out how to actually check the routines and see if it is running properly...does anyone know how to check this for me or see any errors in the program? Also, since i am not reading anything from the EEPROM i did not put in any routine to read from it.
Thanks for any help!
Added after 17 minutes:
When i run the program after it runs through a couple times it gives me a "stack underflow" warning?
Also, any suggestions on how to stop the program once it runs the "call write" instruction?
Thanks for any help!
SK equ p1.0 ;serial clock
DI equ p1.1 ;data input
DO equ p1.2 ;data output
CS equ p1.3 ;chip select
EEADR data 50h ;EEADR in 50h
EEBYT data 60h ;EEBYT in 60h
ORG 20H ; stack start
stack: DS 20H ; stack length
ORG 0000H ; start program in 0000H
jmp start ; jump to start routine
USING 0 ; using register bank 0
clr CS ; clear CS
clr SK ; clear serial clock
setb DI ; set data input
setb DO ; set data output
mov EEADR, #55h ; move value 55h into EEADR
mov p3,EEBYT ;move EEBYT to port 3
call ewen ; call enable write routine
call eral ; call erase all routine
call EWDS ; call disable writing routine
mov EEADR, #7fh ; address for byte
mov EEBYT, #45h ; byte value
call write ; call write routine
;routine to enable write operations
setb CS ; set chip select
mov dptr, #(10011b SHL 7) ;shift left
mov b, #12 ; move 12 into b
call send ; call send routine
clr CS ; clear chip select
ret ; return
;routine to erase device
setb CS ; set chip select
mov dptr, #(10010b SHL 7) ; shift left
mov b, #12 ; move 12 into b
call send ; call send routine
clr CS ; clear chip select
ret ; return
;routine to write a byte to EEPROM
setb CS ; set chip select
mov dpl, #101b ; move 5 to dpl
mov b, #3 ; move 3 to b
call send ; call send routine
mov dpl, EEADR ; move EEADR to dpl
mov b, #9 ; number of bits
call send ; call send routine
mov dpl, EEBYT ; move EEBYT into dpl
mov b, #8 ; move 8 into b
call send ; call send routine
clr CS ; clear chip select
ret ; return
; routine to send data
push b ; push b onto stack
mov a, b ; bit count into a
clr c ; clear bit c
subb a, #8 ; subtract 8 from a
jc less1 ; jump if less than 8
jz equal ; jump if equals eight
mov b, a ; move a into b
clr c ; clear bit
subb a, #8 ; subtract 8 from a
jc less2 ; jump if less than eight
jnz great ; jump if greater than eight
mov a, dph ; move dph into a
jmp call ; jump to call
push b ; push b onto stack
mov a, dph ; move dph into a
rr a ; rotate a to right
djnz b, shift ; jump if b not zero to shift
pop b ; pop b from stack
call send2 ; call send2 routine
mov b, #8 ; move 8 into b
mov a, dpl ; move dpl into a
jmp call2 ; jump to call2
push b ; push b onto stack
mov a, dpl ; move dpl into a
rr a ; rotate a to right
djnz b, shift2 ; jump if b not zero to shift2
pop b ; pop b from stack
call send2 ; call send2 routine
pop b ;pop b from stack
ret ;return
clr SK ; clear serial clock
rlc a ; move bit
mov DI, c ; move c into data input
nop ; delay min 400 nS
setb SK ; set serial clock
djnz b, out ; next bit / delay min one uS
clr SK ; clear clock
ret ;return
setb CS ; CS equals 1
mov dptr, #(10000b SHL 7)
mov b, #12 ;move 12 into b
call send ;call send routine
clr CS ; clear chip select
ret ;return
Added after 17 minutes:
When i run the program after it runs through a couple times it gives me a "stack underflow" warning?
Also, any suggestions on how to stop the program once it runs the "call write" instruction?