Hello, I have to do a counter which make a sequence and when I get to the top do the reverse. For example, the counter has to do the next sequence: 7 - 3 - 1 - 5 and when it get to the last one do the next 5- 1 - 3 -7 and when it get the last one do 7- 3 - 1 - 5 .....
I thought I must do 2 counters, one with the sequence (7-3-1-5) and the other with (5-1-3-7):
Using FF type D the first sequence is D3= Q2' D2= Q3 D1=1
And using FF type D the second sequence is D3= Q2 D2 = Q3' D1=1.
I did it by separate but I do not know how to unite them. Or maybe there is a way to do just one counter and with logic gates make the oposite sequence. Can you help me?
I did not find a sample or how to do it in the books or in internet. I have Digital Systems: Principles and Applications by Tocci