I am trying to programming PIC16F1783 with Pickit 2 . I am getting this error Unsupported part id = 2A20 when trying to do that. I just wired the pins of the programmer to the PIC IC as it is mentioned in the programming manual of that PIC IC. Help me out with this one.
The PicKit 2 is a rather old programming device these days and the software is not maintained by Microchip any more.
What the error is telling you is that the chip you are programming is new and the firmware in the PicKit 2 does not recognize it.
If you look at the Microchip web page for your MCU (https://www.microchip.com/wwwproducts/Devices.aspx?product=PIC16F1783) and in the "Development Tools" and "Programmers" section, you will see that the Pickit 3 is listed. However if you go to the similar page for a much older device (for example, the PIC18F4550) you will see that the PicKit 2 is still listed.
The solution is to upgrade your programmer.
Apologies - as a moderator I should have noticed the duplicate message and deleted the original posting. There is a solution to this problem in the micrcontrollers section of the forum.