I'm building a variable power supply that converts 120 V AC from the mains to DC voltage adjustable between 1.25 V and 30 V depending on the value of a potentiometer.
Here's the schematic
I simulated the circuit with Multisim simulator and it works perfectly fine.
However when building the circuit on real life there's a problem, the voltage at the output of the power supply is not stable, it decreases over time, for example if I try to set the output at say, 20 V, my multimeter reads 20.06 V, ok that's fine. But after 5 minutes the voltage decreases to 20.04 V, after 10 minutes is 20.03 V, after 20 minutes is 20.01 V and after 34 minutes is 20.00 V.
The same thing happens with lower voltages, if I set the output at 5 V, multimeter reads 5.01 V but after 15 minutes is 5.089
And this is with no load connected at the output other than the multimeter, I guess the voltage will decrease even further with a load connected. On the simulation this doesn't happen
I tried adding a small aluminium heatsink on the potentiometer in case it was thermal drift but it didn't help.
What could be causing this? Is this variation expected due to things not being perfect like a simulation?