I'm having trouble seeing how this thing could converge to a stable frequency... if PLL #2 outputs frequency F2, then that means the PFD to PLL #3 will be F1-F2. And the output of PLL #3's VCO must be F3=(F1-F2)/2. Thus if PLL #2 has no multiplication, then it goes that F2=F3 and F2=(F1-F2)/2, and thus F1=3F2... is that correct?
But look at the how a perturbation propagates around this loop. Let's say the output of PLL#3 is perturbed a bit high, so F3 increases a bit. PLL #2 will follow, and F2 will increase. But after the mixer, F1-F2 will decrease. That will be fed to the reference of PLL#2, which cause its output to rise still more. So in this case you get positive feedback. But if, instead, F2 happens to be greater than F1, then the loop dynamics reverse, and you might get a stable feedback....
Also feeding PLL#1 back into the antenna is problematic in itself, given that the isolation of the splitter/combiner will not be perfect.