Unknown SMD diode


Mar 13, 2024
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Hi all!

I have here an Courtois Energy branded (I think it is a Voltronic) solar inverter charger. On the mainboard there's a diode which has failed, it's smd marking is G10 R0 (or maybe O). You can see the component in the attached picture.

In the picture, between the 2.2ohm resistor and the diode G10 there's a hole to the other side of the PCB which has the failed diode G10. Red arrow goes to transformer secondary side. I looked through some smd codebooks and sites but am unable to find out what kind of diode that G10 is. This one in the photo has a voltage drop of 0.368 volts if that helps.

Thanks for your time!

Thank you Brian, seems also to be available here close to me. Could you tell me how you found out what it was, so I could learn also?

I could be wrong but my first approach was to see what it seems to be used in, from the photograph it seems to be part of a snubber network which means it has to be a fast recovery diode. Your voltage measurement told me it was a Schottky diode, normal silicon diodes have higher Vf, typically 0.7V.

From there I searched through my data sheets for diodes in that package and found one with the G10 marking. I keep a fairly large list of data sheets here and add to it each time I use a new component. Currently I have 8,048 data sheets in my collection! One day, if I ever have time, I will index them all by device type, manufacturer, package and SMD code but it's a massive job and has to be done by hand.


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