It's a universal start system for AVR processors. Board doesn't consist any permanently plugged microcontroller but only universal, only universal slot with possibility to plugged any microcontroller. I made modules for processors: ATmeg8 ATmeg162, ATTiny2313 and ATTiny13. Board consist USBASP programmer and is powered by USB or power supply. Device include LCD and LED displaz, time clock, EEPROM memory, communicate interfaces RS232 and RS485, keyboards, executive systems, LED diodes and more. Board's elements connect with each other by special cables that can pull on goldpines, switchers, jumpers.
Most important element is uC connection ( precocious goldpines) that assure contact betwen module with processor and board. Steering line for displays, programmer, bus I2C, UART interface and IR are plugged Into uC slot.
Module heart is U1 microcontroller (ATMega16/32) and quartz resonator X1 (16Mhz) and condensers C2 (22pF) and C3 (22pF). C1 condenser (100nF) filter voltage for module. AVCC jumpers ( goldpin) and AREF ( goldpin) give voltage into outside convertor ADC and reference voltage. PA (goldpin) PB (goldpin) PC (goldpin) and PD (goldpin) assure outputs of all microcontroller ports and allow to plug all components at test board. Some ports are permanently connected to uC slot by the same to some circuits that allow to resign from cables.
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