Universal Programmer Schematic / software needed

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Newbie level 6
Apr 7, 2002
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elnec beeprog schematic

I want Universal Programmer Schematic, and Programmer Programing software.

Or anything fit with 8051 :idea:


beeprog schematic

do have a look at my pages:
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Universal programmer

Reactions: amanki


    Points: 2
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Universal Programmer

Did you check this new version? It supports all 89 Series Chips,

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Re: Universal Programmer

take a look at the following website, it has everything u want.

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Universal Programmer

look at ponyprog (almost all except 8051 !)

Universal Programmer

I wonder what can be inside a $1000+ universal programmer, Anyone ideas?

Re: Universal Programmer


In the commercial ones you'll find an ASIC that will do the entire job. If it's an older version you may get some discrete parts (and also some limitation). If you do some research on this direction, you should start with the so-called pin drivers. These can drive a pin with an externally programmed (Hi and Lo) voltage, required for the function of that specific pin at the moment of programming/verifying. This way you can use 3,3v, 5v or even 13v to drive a pin. Beside that you'll need lots of I/Os to configure each pin's direction and voltage. In top of that, from the PC side, you'll have to make a database of the devices covered by the programmer, specifying the pin settings and the programming protocol.

Best Regards[/quote]

Universal Programmer

8951 pgmers

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Universal Programmer

Hi Zoli,
i did some research on pin drivers, They are having internal mosfet and come in 8 pin ICs that can drive a pin high or low or floating. So it means if a hobbyist want to make a universal programmer then he will need pin driver for each of the pins he wish to program. For ex if we need 40 pin MCUs programmer then we need 40 Pin Drivers+Pin Reading ICs. Then the pin drivers will be controlled by a controller and nothing else to do just putting high/low or a particular voltage as sofware says.
This means all the logic in put in the software and hardware is very dumb,
Great information Zoli, That helps in understanding commercial uni progs.
here is found datasheet of intersel pin drivers
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Anyone wants to comment on this? Please feel free to do so...

Re: Universal Programmer

gamegurus said:
I wonder what can be inside a $1000+ universal programmer, Anyone ideas?
modern design use FPGA pindriver and microprocessor for inside time-critical routines

Universal Programmer

But why is most universal programmer based on Parallel Port, Is there some kind of specific open source design which works on parallel port?

Re: Universal Programmer

gamegurus said:
But why is most universal programmer based on Parallel Port
because it was the simplest way to have many IO
modern design use USB
look at **broken link removed** for example

Universal Programmer

can the board support PIC?

Re: Universal Programmer

look here
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