Advanced Member level 5
Hello , i have the following slew rate example.
the drive strength changes by a push of a button.
i know that somehow the output resistance is controlled here,but the code is not telling me how exactly they change the output resistance.
the main variable is shown bellow.
GPIO_DriveStrength_TypeDef driveStrength = gpioDriveStrengthStrongAlternateStrong
What is the dinamync for the drive strength in the example bellow?
reference manual:
the drive strength changes by a push of a button.
i know that somehow the output resistance is controlled here,but the code is not telling me how exactly they change the output resistance.
the main variable is shown bellow.
GPIO_DriveStrength_TypeDef driveStrength = gpioDriveStrengthStrongAlternateStrong
What is the dinamync for the drive strength in the example bellow?
reference manual:
* @file main_gpio_slew_rate.c
* @brief Demonstrates the slew rate settings for the GPIO. A 1 MHz square wave
* is generated on a pin. The slew rate setting is changed by pressing PB0. The
* drive strength setting is changed by pressing PB1. The effects of these
* settings on the pin's slew rate can be observed by placing a 50uF capacitor
* on the output pin and observing the change in rise and fall times of the 1
* MHz square wave.
* # License
* <b>Copyright 2020 Silicon Laboratories Inc.</b>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
* The licensor of this software is Silicon Laboratories Inc.
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
* misrepresented as being the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
* # Evaluation Quality
* This code has been minimally tested to ensure that it builds and is suitable
* as a demonstration for evaluation purposes only. This code will be maintained
* at the sole discretion of Silicon Labs.
#include "em_device.h"
#include "em_chip.h"
#include "em_cmu.h"
#include "em_gpio.h"
#include "em_timer.h"
#include "em_emu.h"
#include "bsp.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#if defined(BSP_STK_BRD2204A) || defined(BSP_STK_BRD2102A) /* GG11 or TG11 STK square wave on PD1 */
#define SQUARE_WAVE_PORT gpioPortD
#else /* All other STKs, square wave on PA0 */
#define SQUARE_WAVE_PORT gpioPortA
* @brief Setup GPIO interrupt for pushbuttons and PA0 output.
static void gpioSetup(void)
// Enable GPIO clock.
CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_GPIO, true);
// Configure PB0 as input and enable interrupt.
GPIO_PinModeSet(BSP_GPIO_PB0_PORT, BSP_GPIO_PB0_PIN, gpioModeInputPull, 1);
GPIO_ExtIntConfig(BSP_GPIO_PB0_PORT, BSP_GPIO_PB0_PIN, BSP_GPIO_PB0_PIN, false, true, true);
// Configure PB1 as input and enable interrupt.
GPIO_PinModeSet(BSP_GPIO_PB1_PORT, BSP_GPIO_PB1_PIN, gpioModeInputPull, 1);
GPIO_ExtIntConfig(BSP_GPIO_PB1_PORT, BSP_GPIO_PB1_PIN, BSP_GPIO_PB1_PIN, false, true, true);
// Set PA0 to push-pull output
CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_GPIO, true);
GPIO_DriveStrength_TypeDef driveStrength = gpioDriveStrengthStrongAlternateStrong;
uint32_t slewRate = 6;
* @brief Unified GPIO Interrupt handler (pushbuttons).
* PB0 Cycles through slew rate settings.
* PB1 Cycles through drive strength settings.
void GPIO_Unified_IRQ(void)
// Get and clear all pending GPIO interrupts.
uint32_t interruptMask = GPIO_IntGet();
// Act on interrupts.
if (interruptMask & (1 << BSP_GPIO_PB0_PIN))
// BTN0: Slew Rate
slewRate += 1;
if (slewRate > 7)
slewRate = 0;
if (interruptMask & (1 << BSP_GPIO_PB1_PIN))
// BTN1: cycle through drive strength settings.
if (driveStrength == gpioDriveStrengthStrongAlternateStrong)
driveStrength = gpioDriveStrengthWeakAlternateWeak;
driveStrength = gpioDriveStrengthStrongAlternateStrong;
* @brief GPIO Interrupt handler for even pins.
void GPIO_EVEN_IRQHandler(void)
* @brief GPIO Interrupt handler for odd pins.
void GPIO_ODD_IRQHandler(void)
#define OUTPUT_FREQ_Hz (1000000UL)
* @brief Timer setup to output a square wave on PA0
void timerSetup(void)
// Set Timer0 to toggle PA0 at 1 MHz
CMU_ClockEnable(cmuClock_TIMER0, true);
uint32_t hfperFreq = CMU_ClockFreqGet(cmuClock_HFPER);
TIMER_TopBufSet(TIMER0, (hfperFreq / (2 * OUTPUT_FREQ_Hz)));
TIMER_Init(TIMER0, &init);
initCh.cofoa = timerOutputActionToggle;
initCh.mode = timerCCModeCompare;
TIMER_InitCC(TIMER0, 0, &initCh);
* @brief Main function
* This example demonstrates the slew rate settings for the GPIO. A 1 MHz
* square wave is generated on a pin. The slew rate setting is changed by
* pressing BTN0. The drive strength setting is changed by pressing BTN1. The
* effects of these settings on the pin's slew rate can be observed by placing
* a 50 pF capacitor on the output pin and observing the change in rise and
* fall times of the 1 MHz square wave.
* Output pin is PD1 on SLSTK3701 (EFM32GG11 STK) and SLSTK3301 (EFM32TG11 STK)
* and PA0 on other kits.
* To test:
* 1. Place a 50 pF capacitor between the square wave output and GND.
* 2. Upload and run the example.
* 3. While observing the rise and fall times of the waveform on PA0/PD1:
* a. Press BTN0 to change the slew rate setting
* b. Press BTN1 to change the drive strength setting
int main(void)
/* Chip errata */
/* Initialize Push Buttons and PA0 */
/* Initialize PA0 square-wave output */
/* Infinite loop */
while (1)
/* Update PA0 drive strength and slew rate */
GPIO_DriveStrengthSet(SQUARE_WAVE_PORT, driveStrength);
GPIO_SlewrateSet(SQUARE_WAVE_PORT, slewRate, slewRate);
/* Enter EM1 until a push-button interrupt triggers a wake-up */