Hi all,
I've just read paper published by "Avery Li-Chun Wang", chief scientist and co-founder of Shazam. I've understood that Shazam generates for each audio sample a finger-print that is then used to search in their data-base.
I understood that you record sound from your microphone,but how do you generate a spectrogram.
Once you get the spectrogram,you can maybe use a filter to filter out points with less intensity & you'll get the constellation with limited points & then you hash them & use search algorithm & so on.But how do you get that spectrogram(attached in fig.1) from your microphone.
Spectrogram is attached in fig.1 & how do you filter out points with less intensity to get a plot of fig.2
And as Shazam is just an app,i think all this should be done on software,so no question of spectrum analyzer etc....