Understanding of Hardware Circuit

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May 4, 2012
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  • Hw_70331A.pdf
    2.9 MB · Views: 67

Without seeing the rest of the circuit, it's hard to answer your question. But the circuit is a basic difference amplifier.

The circuit is a basic single OP differential amplifier. Vref respectively GND are different output references, chosen according to the intended usage.

Vref is for bipolar input current/voltage range with an unipolar ADC (e.g. 0 to 3.3 V ADC range, output = 1.65 V with input zero). GND is for unipolar input range.

The 0-ohm resistor is used as "net connector". SHUNT_LOW_SUM is connected to DC- net, but should be wired separately between shunt and amplifier input to achieve a 4-wire (kelvin sense) connection, avoiding errors due to DC- net voltage drops. The 0-ohm resistor is a trick used with simple PCB layout systems that don't support star points or net connectors.
Without seeing the rest of the circuit, it's hard to answer your question. But the circuit is a basic difference amplifier.
I am sorry i did not mention but the schematic is in the last pages of the attached pdf document.
Ok i will just study about difference amplifier.

Amplifier output voltage is Vshunt * 150k/2k + Vref.

Using split input resistors and a capacitor introduces a low-pass filter. The about 3 MHz cut off frequency is however far beyond 135 kHz amplifier bandwidth and thus effectively useless.

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