please give me a hand:
Why PLL do not oscillate when open loop gain > 0dB with its phase is around -180 degree in low modulation frequency? How to explain the "phase" of excess phase?Is it periodic?
Look at the closed-loop poles instead! If any closed-loop poles are in the right-half plane the system will be unstable. Open-loop analysis for stability can be confusing unless you apply it correctly.
please give me a hand:
Why PLL do not oscillate when open loop gain > 0dB with its phase is around -180 degree in low modulation frequency? How to explain the "phase" of excess phase?Is it periodic?
I have found this problem too. In Razavi's book<Design of Analog CMOS integrated circuits> Fig 15.36, The low frequency gain is high and phase drift is 180 degree. This may be unstable.
I think the actual low frequency cannot be too low , it is above VCO's lowest working frequency, so low frequency response doesnot need attention.