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Understanding 128x64 GLCD parameters to interface with MCU

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Full Member level 5
Full Member level 5
Dec 26, 2006
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I am interfacing the 128x64 GLCD with MCU.
In the datasheet of LCD, I saw many parameters which are completely new to me.
Hope you can help me out in understanding them...

The LCD driver used...

1. The display had duty cycle like...
1/65 duty : 65 common x 132 segment
1/49 duty : 49 common x 132 segment
1/33 duty : 33 common x 132 segment
1/55 duty : 55 common x 132 segment
1/53 duty : 53 common x 132 segment

What is duty cycle in consideration with GLCD.

2. A/c duty cycle, it has changed the pad center co-ordinates. I didn't understand what all that co-ordinate tables are for?

3. What these parameters represent...
LCD Type -> ? STN Gray Positive ■ STN Yellow Green Positive ? STN Blue Negative
? FSTN Negative White & Black ? FSTN Positive Black & White
Rear Polarizer -> ? Reflective ■ Transflective ? Transmissive
View Direction -> ? 6 O’clock ■ 12 O’clock

I found these paramters in ... Sunlike Display (model SG12864C)


Cannot explain the duty in detail ,not something I have looked as such, however below are the typical Init parameters I use with that chip.

Those parameters you detail in 3 are first the colour of the background and characters.
Rear polariser - the way the display uses the available light, be it daylight or backlight etc
View direction - how easily you can see the display when viewed fromn an angle.

Have a look at this site for details of glcd types
ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY :*LCD DOG series, flexibe, flat and colorful

										; Initialise EADOG ST7565R GLCD
										; No. Command		Setting

			movlw   b'01000000'			;  2 - Display start line = 0
			call	       glcd_command
	   		movlw	b'10100001'			;  8 - ADC reverse  	
	    	        call	       glcd_command
        	        movlw	b'11000000'			; 15 - COMS normal = 1/65  duty
	    	        call	       glcd_command
        	        movlw	b'10100110'			;  9 - Display  = normal  - inverse
	    	        call	      glcd_command
       		       movlw        b'10100010'			; 11 - 1/65 duty 1/9 bias for 65x132 display  
	               call	      glcd_command		  ; ( which is a  64X128 unit)
     		       movlw       b'00101111'			; 16  - Power control set = B.,R,F all ON
	    	        call	       glcd_command
			movlw	b'11111000'			; 20-1 - select Booster ratio set
	   		call	       glcd_command
			movlw	b'00000000'			; 20-2 - Booster ratio register
	   		call	       glcd_command		;        must be preceeded by 20-1
			movlw	b'00100111'			; 17 - VO volt reg set 
			call	       glcd_command
			movlw	b'10000001'			; 18-1 - Elect vol control - contrast
			call	         glcd_command
			movlw	b'00011000'			; 18-2 - Contrast level dec 22	
			call	       glcd_command		;		 must be preceeded by 18-1
			movlw	b'10101100'			; 19-1 - Static Indicator - set off
		        call	       glcd_command
			movlw	b'00000000'			; 19-2 - No Indicator
			call	        glcd_command		;		 must be preceeded with 19-1
			movlw	b'10101111'			; 20 - Display ON
	                call	        glcd_command
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