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Hello all,
i am designing a home potted plant watering system. For this i am using RTC DS1307 , ATMEGA8 and mikroc. I am trying to read the data from RTC. Though i am able to write the data to RTC but i believe it's could't read it back means while data is displayed on an LCD neither date nor time is getting updated . Please guide me on this. Code is as follows.
I am using Software I2C library in mikroc.
i am designing a home potted plant watering system. For this i am using RTC DS1307 , ATMEGA8 and mikroc. I am trying to read the data from RTC. Though i am able to write the data to RTC but i believe it's could't read it back means while data is displayed on an LCD neither date nor time is getting updated . Please guide me on this. Code is as follows.
Code C - [expand] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 // Software I2C connections sbit Soft_I2C_Scl_Output at PORTC5_bit; sbit Soft_I2C_Sda_Output at PORTC4_bit; sbit Soft_I2C_Scl_Input at PINC5_bit; sbit Soft_I2C_Sda_Input at PINC4_bit; sbit Soft_I2C_Scl_Direction at DDC5_bit; sbit Soft_I2C_Sda_Direction at DDC4_bit; // End Software I2C connections // LCD module connections sbit LCD_RS at PORTD4_bit; sbit LCD_EN at PORTD3_bit; sbit LCD_D4 at PORTD5_bit; sbit LCD_D5 at PORTD6_bit; sbit LCD_D6 at PORTD7_bit; sbit LCD_D7 at PORTB0_bit; sbit LCD_RS_Direction at DDD4_bit; sbit LCD_EN_Direction at DDD3_bit; sbit LCD_D4_Direction at DDD5_bit; sbit LCD_D5_Direction at DDD6_bit; sbit LCD_D6_Direction at DDD7_bit; sbit LCD_D7_Direction at DDB0_bit; // End LCD module connections int seconds=00,minutes=19,hours=12,day=04,date=18,month=07,year=9; unsigned char x1,y1; char welcome=1,time=1; void welcome_msg(){ /*Lcd_Out(1,1, "Welcome"); Delay_ms(100); Lcd_Out(1,9, "To"); Delay_ms(100); Lcd_Out(1,12, "SMART"); Delay_ms(100); Lcd_Out(2,1, "Home"); Delay_ms(100); Lcd_Out(2,6, "Irrigation"); Delay_ms(2000);*/ Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); LCD_Out(1,1,"Date: : :"); //' Prepare and output static text on LCD Delay_ms(10); LCD_Out(2,1,"Time: : :"); Delay_ms(10); LCD_Out(1,12,"201"); //Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); } void RTC_Write() { seconds = Dec2Bcd (seconds); hours = Dec2Bcd (hours); minutes = Dec2Bcd (minutes); day = Dec2Bcd (day); date = Dec2Bcd (date); month = Dec2Bcd (month); year = Dec2Bcd (year); Soft_I2C_Start(); Soft_I2C_Write(0xD1); Soft_I2C_Write(0x00); Soft_I2C_Stop(); Soft_I2C_Start(); Soft_I2C_Write(0xD0); Soft_I2C_Write(0x00); Soft_I2C_Write(0x00); // Sec Soft_I2C_Write(seconds); // Sec Soft_I2C_Write(minutes); // min Soft_I2C_Write(hours); //Hour Soft_I2C_Write(0x01); //week //Soft_I2C_Write(0x03); //week Soft_I2C_Write(day); //day //Soft_I2C_Write(date); //date Soft_I2C_Write(Month); //month Soft_I2C_Write(Year); //year Soft_I2C_Write(0x90); Soft_I2C_Stop(); Delay_ms(5); } void RTC_Read(){ Soft_I2C_Start(); Soft_I2C_Write(0xD0); Soft_I2C_Write(0); Soft_I2C_Start(); Soft_I2C_Write(0xD1); seconds=Soft_I2C_Read(1); seconds = Bcd2Dec(seconds); minutes=Soft_I2C_Read(1); minutes = Bcd2Dec(minutes); hours=Soft_I2C_Read(1); hours = Bcd2Dec(hours); day=Soft_I2C_Read(1); day = Bcd2Dec(day); date=Soft_I2C_Read(1); date = Bcd2Dec(date); month=Soft_I2C_Read(1); month = Bcd2Dec(month); year=Soft_I2C_Read(1); year = Bcd2Dec(year); Soft_I2C_Read(0); Soft_I2C_Stop(); //' Issue stop signal} Delay_ms(20); } void Display_Time(){ Lcd_Chr(1, 6, (day / 10) + 48); //' Print tens digit of day variable Lcd_Chr(1, 7, (day % 10) + 48); //' Print oness digit of day variable Lcd_Chr(1, 9, (month / 10) + 48); Lcd_Chr(1,10, (month % 10) + 48); Lcd_Chr(1,15, year + 48); //'56 Print year vaiable + 8 (start from year 2008)*/ Lcd_Chr(2, 6, (hours / 10) + 48); Lcd_Chr(2, 7, (hours % 10) + 48); Lcd_Chr(2, 9, (minutes / 10) + 48); Lcd_Chr(2,10, (minutes % 10) + 48); Lcd_Chr(2,12, (seconds / 10) + 48); Lcd_Chr(2,13, (seconds % 10) + 48); } void main() { //RTC_Init(); Soft_I2C_Init(); Delay_ms(5); Lcd_Init(); Delay_ms(10); Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR); Delay_ms(10); while(1){ if(welcome==1){ welcome_msg(); RTC_Write(); welcome=0; } RTC_Read(); //Transform_Time(); //' Format date and time Display_Time(); //' Prepare and display on LCD } }
I am using Software I2C library in mikroc.