Ultrasonic TX & RX

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Abu Ammora

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Jun 13, 2005
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ultrasonic sensor tx and rx difference

I want to ask about how to make ultrasonic Transmitter and receiver , i read that system require Piezoelectric material at both TX and RX operates at the same frequncy , What is meant by such piezoelectric materials , and how can i got them , Are they exist in any Devices that can be excluded from it ?


ultrasonic tx circuitd


No you can buy a readymade piezotransducer, one for TX and one as RX. There are schematics on this board and many other places, if you cannot find PM me.

Topic moved.


ultrasonic tx rx

Some ultrasonic sensor are TX & RX housed in a single module. This is mostly used in reverse sensor for automobile applications.

Nowdays you can get a pair of sensor less than US$4.

ultrasonic rx microphone

Can i use the speakers as ultrasonic sensor , Have anyone any idea or suggestions about that ?


The piezoelectric transducers basically are speakers. They are made out of copper and ceramic that vibrates with the application of electricity. However, a regular speaker will not do for such a project. The schematic you use will mostly likely have a certain frequency that it uses. You need to make sure you get a transfucer that can produce that frequency. Google some electronic supply sites. You'll find them easily.

Ya. Normal speakers cannot help because their construction is mainly using paper cones that vibrates at audio frequency ranges (20 to 20KHz), as current is passed.

Conceptually they can be used as both TX and RX.

For applications you can atmost use the normal speakers as TXs only. But this is not sure for higher frequencies like Ultrasonics.

Also the difference between Piezzos and speakers is that,
Piezzo is by itself active and Speakers use Magnetism for its motion.

Piezzo elements are those which produe Electric field when given Mechanical pressure at right angles to the Field and vice versa.

So based on the circuit design you can make a piezzo both TX and RX.
But normal speakers are lossy and hence the same being used as Microphone may require amplifiers.


How does a single module of ultrasonic work, I saw a single module it just has two wires? Does it need some kind of switch to toggle from TX to RX and back?

Best Regards,

Hi itg,
Yes, as you said, the circuitry needs a switching arrangemnet for its operation as both transmitter and receiver.

This you could have noted in intercoms or walkie talkies where in there is a toggle switch that changes the transducer from Tx to Rx and vice versa.

u can use ultra sonic transmitter inthe circuit of anti mosqito


here is the link for the schematic which i found in this site..


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