Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04

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Newbie level 6
Apr 5, 2014
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I have been using ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 for human height measurement but whenever keep flat objects like metal plate,book,concrete ,plastic etc it measures correct distance .If I use this sensor to measure human height ,every time showing different value....measurement is not proper....

Anyone could tell Is it possible to measure human height with this sensor......

Could you give some more details about it..like how exactly did you arrange the sensors for measuring the height?Can you give a diagram to show the arrangement of sensor for measuring height?

Could you give some more details about it..like how exactly did you arrange the sensors for measuring the height?Can you give a diagram to show the arrangement of sensor for measuring height?

open place 300cm height I placed my sensor and I stand under that sensor like that I measuring the height..

You have to considere the "spot area" of ultrasonic sensor depending of the distance..
maybe you can place your sensor at 220 cm instead 300cm ..
99,99% of people will pass under without problem.. for taller people , cut the head!
so you will have minimum of spot diameter corresponding to the head top surface.

this system use 2 device , one emitter , one receiver..
maybe the best solution is to use only one sensor wich act as an emitter, then after any ms,
turn as a receiver.. advantage is a finer spot , and possibiity to add a guide (Tube around the ultrasonic device)
to focalise..

or build a special Hat with flat taget ...

be carrefull with air flow and temperature wich can distrube the measure..
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I have studied ultrasonic waves characterstics there if you pass ultrasonic waves into flat object like metal plate,paper,rubber ,wood it would reflect 100% approximately but the same waves pass into cotton or cloths,hair it shouldnt refelect proper beacuse this objects obsurbs ultrasonic waves ,it will not reflect properly...is it correct....

Make the person whose height you are measuring wear a flat, hard-top hat, maybe?!

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