Dear it can measure from 2cm (minimum) to 400cm (maximum).
Did you really test it at 2cm ?
because on my device, i started with a minimum of 6cm , wich is over time for:
10µS for trigger pulse and waiting 200µS to the end of burst slave of 8 cycles à 40Khz (internal action made by the device)
so total of 210µS before testing echo..
Regarding what you said .. 2cm
i tried to reduce the delay between pulse trigger and Survey the echo feed back
When i reduce to much this delay, ie 50µS measures between 6 cm to 2cm are very erratic
and the measure can be reversed ( increase instead of decrease inside the gap 3 cm to 0 cm)
if i keep half of the delay of burst salve ,just after trigger start.. so 10µS +100µ=110µS
Measures are correct and stable from >= 30mm up to 3900 mm. (not tested above)
I think we can not reach very close measure as 2cm , because Receiver sensor recive in same time
the burst salve of pulses 40Khz of Emitter sensor..
I don't know if all sensor of this type have same behavior, but i know that
there is allways a dead band of measure with ultrasonic sensor.
could you confirm if you can reach 2cm with good measurement (linear and stable) ?