Ultrasonic distance meter - Help needed

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Advanced Member level 1
Aug 11, 2009
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Ultrasonic Help needed

I have two ultrasonic(tx/rx) modules and i want to construct a distance meter using PIC18F4520 i need circult as well as PCB layout + Program anyone can help me...


Re: Ultrasonic Help needed

pakitos, I already has the circuit but i need a perfect PCB layout.

can't you draw the PCB layout or give to someone to do it for you?

Here is my PCB layout, but it is not working (Using PCB wiz)

anandpv2009 said:
Here is my PCB layout, but it is not working (Using PCB wiz) Thanks..
Presumed that you have already checked the working of the project with the code on a simulator or assembling it on a general purpose PCB, and when u say you have drew the PCB and the ciruit is not working, Obviously there lies a problem in the layout. Cheers

He needs someone who can do his Labour work for FREE of COST........

Ha ...Ha finally i made it
The detector diode detects signal when TX over the RX. I will post the entire project within a week....

Thanks for the support...

anandpv2009 said:
I were requested edaboard forum members to post their layout if they had any previous experience with this project. Why garg29 behave like this....
It is quite common nowadays in forums to ask schematics, PCB layouts and codes for their educational or professional projects expecting memebers to do thier homework and post it for free. Here is an example..

Ok...you were an exception. But your grammer in your posts meant so. Anyways..be a sport...Cheer up. We all will be expectiing the complete project to be uploaded here. If you felt that my post helped you, please thank by the "Helped me" button. Good luck.


    Points: 2
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your grammer in your posts meant so.

............ Ok i am not fluent in english...

I am just a kid....(anandpv2009)

anandpv don't feel bad buddy......... If you want to be a true engineer try out things yourself first then tell people what all you have done & then expect for a solution from them.....just a proper way..... I didn't want to hurt you. anyways......best of luck hope you complete your project

sir my project is ultrasonic parkaid.while testing i got the recived pulse as sine wave about 8v amplitude when tx and rx are face 2 face nw i amplify it but i cant conert it into a square wave
sir i also uses pic sir hw many pulses to be sent for accurate reception.

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