Advanced Member level 1
using uln2803
I think I must connect Vcc=5 Volt on the Common pin, that is Pin number 10.I don't understand the concept of diode as shown in the diagram. It seems like as if it's working like a pull up resistor. I also don't understand the other two diodes drawn in a dashed lines (- - - - -). By studying various other examples on ULN2803, I hope to learn how this IC work in a few more time. Most importantly, I want to understand the logic behind it.
I think I must connect Vcc=5 Volt on the Common pin, that is Pin number 10.I don't understand the concept of diode as shown in the diagram. It seems like as if it's working like a pull up resistor. I also don't understand the other two diodes drawn in a dashed lines (- - - - -). By studying various other examples on ULN2803, I hope to learn how this IC work in a few more time. Most importantly, I want to understand the logic behind it.