Hello all, does someone know where I could buy a full UDS stack for Freescale (or Infineon) S08/S12 mcu ?
I found very few proposals (except V-e-c-t-o-r and V-o-l-c-a-n-o that cost too much ...).
Thanks for any help.
No, UDS means Unified Diagnostic Services and it's a protocol used in automotive to communicate with all ECU (nodes on car' network).
Through its services you can examine if there are DTC (diagnostic trouble code) ON, which means errors, reset them and so on.
But currently my mainly interesting to it is the flashing process (service 0x34) to update the firmware in the microcontroller.
UDS is considered an improvement of previous KWP2000 diagnostic protocol and a step before AUTOSAR which should be the future in therms of standardization.
However in these days I found a very interesting (and cheaper than tools indicated above) solution; matlab+simulink+stateflow+uds blockset.
This should be the right answer to my night dreams (model base design + uds implementation) ... :razz: