I'm interfacing a GPS skynav SKM53 which uses UART with MCB 1700 board( onboard LPC1768 microcontroller). I have the transmitter pin of GPS connected to P2.1 (configured as UART1 Rx). Though, i can see the data in the RBR register but I don see the UART_IRQ handler being invoked.
I have tested the IRQ handler by interfacing with PC (COM Port connected using RS232 cable) and it works perfectly. I use the same function for
interfacing on peripheral UART, it doesn't get invoked. Is there any other configuration, I need to do so as to invoke IRQ handler when data is seen on
peripheral??? Please advise.
Here's the snippet of my IRQ handler which I found from the Keil examples.
void UART1_IRQHandler (void)
uint8_t IIRValue, LSRValue;
uint8_t Dummy = Dummy;
IIRValue >>= 1; /* skip pending bit in IIR */
IIRValue &= 0x07; /* check bit 1~3, interrupt identification */
if ( IIRValue == IIR_RLS ) /* Receive Line Status */
/* Receive Line Status */
/* There are errors or break interrupt */
/* Read LSR will clear the interrupt */
UART1Status = LSRValue;
Dummy = LPC_UART1->RBR; /* Dummy read on RX to clear
interrupt, then bail out */
if ( LSRValue & LSR_RDR ) /* Receive Data Ready */
/* If no error on RLS, normal ready, save into the data buffer. */
/* Note: read RBR will clear the interrupt */
UART1Buffer[UART1Count] = LPC_UART1->RBR;
if ( UART1Count == BUFSIZE )
UART1Count = 0; /* buffer overflow */
else if ( IIRValue == IIR_RDA ) /* Receive Data Available */
/* Receive Data Available */
UART1Buffer[UART1Count] = LPC_UART1->RBR;
if ( UART1Count == BUFSIZE )
UART1Count = 0; /* buffer overflow */
else if ( IIRValue == IIR_CTI ) /* Character timeout indicator */
/* Character Time-out indicator */
UART1Status |= 0x100; /* Bit 9 as the CTI error */
else if ( IIRValue == IIR_THRE ) /* THRE, transmit holding register empty */
/* THRE interrupt */
LSRValue = LPC_UART1->LSR; /* Check status in the LSR to see if
valid data in U0THR or not */
if ( LSRValue & LSR_THRE )
UART1TxEmpty = 1;
UART1TxEmpty = 0;
And in UART_init function, I have the peripheral pins P2.1 enabled as receiver as seen in the snippet below
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL4 &= ~0x0000000F;
LPC_PINCON->PINSEL4 |= 0x0000000A; /* Enable RxD1 P2.1, TxD1 P2.0 */