UART receiving issue in PC

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Sometime it happens that computer can not download continuous data from serial port using serial port but some other time it works. Is there any buffer in computer which has to be empty for the reception of serial port data ?


use a smart UART protocol like ZMODEM.


Actually programming on microcontroller is already done and we are not interested to change any thing in the program. The microcontroller is sending ADC data from 4 channels after every 30 second which is actually temperature sensor data but sometime we get nothing in Tera Term terminal and this need a computer restart.

Sometime it happens that computer can not download continuous data from serial port using serial port but some other time it works. Is there any buffer in computer which has to be empty for the reception of serial port data ?

Hard to know what it is happening without knowing which terminal program you are using, or how it is configured, but by default they do not have any buffer set beyond 1 byte shown per each byte received.


we are not interested to change any thing in the program
So what are you interested to change?

What other things can be changed?
Cable, computer hardware, computer operating system, computer software? Nothing of these is mentioned in your post.


Are you using a crystal in the microcontroller? RS232 (and related) comms requires timing to be within 1 to 2% at best and if you are using an RC oscillator then the microcontroller timing could be drifting.

It's internal clock in the microcontroller. The terminal is Tera Term which is used to log the data. Sometime it works if restarting the computer but sometime computer does not have any data from computer. Is this kind of issue is common in UART ?


How can we give good answers when we know about nothing about your application?
Microcontroller, clock frequency, uart baud rate, uart setup......

As with almost any UART problems: baudrate setup and accuracy is the first thing you should look for.


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