AY3-1015 is the old fashion , i think not still used now.
But with this (hardware UART) you can transform serial data ( like RS232 flow) in 8 parralele bits and vice-versa without using a microcontrooler.
you can see an example on my web page , using TMS6011 UART linked trough RS232 to a Sinclair QL 68008
to get 8 output or 8 inputs from RS232 commande. (
**broken link removed**Oldies.htm)
UART serialise the data, after protocol to use is another subject RS232,RS285,RS422.. Modbus ...etc ..
this UART interface + UART HW(the part that does parallel to serial conversion)
have been recently integrated into the main microcontroller (which has the processor on it)?
Yes, UART hardware part is now inside the microcontroler. named hardware UART (or UART1 ,UART2...)
you can have also 100% software UART (to manage the 2 pins TX and RX => bitbang solution)
This is the main difference between the old fashion
a MicroProcessor ( Z80,6502,6800) witch handle external periferic hardware like UART (ACIA 6850, UART 8250, ..)