Typical connection of IR2110

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application note for ir2110

Try this:
Connect together the source of the upper transistor to the gate of the lower one. Connect the load from that point to ground.
Drive the transistors 180deg out of phase.

schematic diagram using ir2110

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I could not get what u want to say by

Connect together the source of the upper transistor to the gate of the lower one. Connect the load from that point to ground.
Drive the transistors 180deg out of phase. ???

if it means

1>connect the Emmitor of first to Collector of Second
2>connect the load to common point of them & ground
3> Drive the the two transistors 180deg out of phase.

then I have already tried this ; but faced the same problem

though the load capacitor get discharged during on time of Lower transistor, but still i face the problen in driving highside?

I am facing this problem ONLY FOR RC LOAD !!!!

thanks for ur replay.


explain about ir2110

Yes, that is what I meant, the source of the top transistor to the drain of the lower one. Sorry about that.

OK, so you tried it and it doesn't work. Is your load actually an RC parallel network? Isn't it a series combination? You are trying to simulate fluorescent lamps, right?

Added after 1 minutes:

Yes, that is what I meant, the source of the top transistor to the drain of the lower one. Sorry about that.

OK, so you tried it and it doesn't work. Is your load actually an RC parallel network? Isn't it a series combination? You are trying to simulate fluorescent lamps, right? Did you try the circuit the way I suggested, using the actual lamps?
Please try it using the lamps, in the configuration I suggested.

ir2110 application circuit

replay to VVV

Is your load actually an RC parallel network? Isn't it a series combination? You are trying to simulate fluorescent lamps, right? Did you try the circuit the way I suggested, using the actual lamps?


1> yes my Load is RC parallel network as I have shown in Earler schematic.

2>I have connected the actual Lamp load ( two 60w, one 40 w, one 500 w in parallel combination so as to have effective resistance approsx 5 ohm(it is 4.86 ohm) )

3> I have tried this RC network connecting between to High side & ground (loside is not in use load is directly grounded) but faced same problem?

I could not understand why load capacitor which comes in series with charging & discharging path of bootstrap capacitor makes HO disapper after few pulses???

can we realy drive the capacitive load using IR2110 ???


ir2110 notes

I believe the cap should be in series with the resistor. This is not a real load, it's just an equivalent circuit, isn't it? Because you said you were trying to drive a lamp load.

If the cap is in parallel with the resistor, then the lower transistor has to discharge the cap through just its own Rdson resistance, which is pretty low.
Therefore, if the cap really is in parallel with the resistor, then you need an inductor in series with the load, that is, between the output of the circuit and the load.

snubber capacitor for uf4007

Now, I am doing a project with the title AC voltage chopper and I face some problems. The IGBT that I use is IRGB10B60KDPbF and the gate drive I used is IR2110. I use the gate drive circuit shown in the IR2110 data sheet with the snubber capacitor of 10uF (electrolytic) to drive the two IGBT. However, I am not able to drive my IGBT when I apply signal to the gate drive. My load is a series resistance and inductance which represent a motor.

Another issue is that the example given in the application note I found is all DC rail voltage, but I am using AC rail voltage. So, is this gate drive suitable or my connection is wrong.

Finally, thank you very much for your help and cooperation. I am looking forward for your fast respond. Thank. I also attach project circuit along.

Component used:

Gate drive : IR2110
Power diode: MUR1560


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