Hello, i have dsigned a simple monopole atenna in HSS(transmitter). Then i have designed a second monopole antenna to work as received.
How can i find the power receivedd by the reeceiver antenna? and i would liketo know if i will add any configuration in the project to distinct betwenn the reciver and transmitter like lumperd port or any another prameter
thans in advance
i have diplay this parameter but i dont know if it is true or no because i m just consruct two monopole antenna without modifying any parameter in the lumped port (power for example of the trasmitter or receiver ) and i dont knowa how can i distinct between emmitter and tramsitter ?
You should have to antennas in the simulation. Each antenna has it own port, thus you have two ports.
S21 describes the coupling between these two ports, e.g. how much energy is transfered. If you make one antenna very very small it should be almost zero since the small antenna dosn't send/receive power.