Two identical LNA IC

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Definition: Identical: similar in every detail; exactly alike.

Now, what was your question again?

There may be some minor differences coming from manufacturing process variations between 2 identical LNAs.But these differences are generally very small and almost negligible..
I posted identical LNA i.e. the same LNA IC or in other words , they have the same part number from the same manufacture. My question was Are these two LNA have the same characteristics? gain, NF, and stability

I have a car. Now YOU tell ME what color it is and how many miles are on it.

Have you read the data sheet? THAT'S where you'll find the information about the range of characteristics. How can you POSSIBLY expect anyone to know what you are talking about when you give us no information, not even a part number!!!

I'm asking in general about any LNA IC!!! Have you tested and measured practically two identical LNAs and found some differences in their characteristics? READ the post of BigBoss and I hope that you will understand what I'm asking for

I have to agree with Barry. How can you possibly expect a useful answer with such a vague question? If you gave some actual details then someone may be able to help. I assume you have read the datasheet?


no two thing can be the same in universe =)
, thus as BigBoss said, there will be some minor differences due to mfg process.
Some vendors provide distribution for these variance. they test many parts and put gain, p1db, etc. part to part and/or lot to lot distribution plots.
try to use parts from same lot
if your application is that sensitive to these variations, you can also ask vendor for this data.

Thanks kh4n

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