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Two Digits Up & Down counter

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Jan 14, 2005
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2 digit up down counter

Hi, all

I am looking for Two Digits Up & Down counter with reset.

This counter countes up from 0 to 99 and it is count down from 99 to 0.

Did anyone make like this project?

If you made it would you please post it.

I appreciate any help.

2 digit up/down counter

For this simple project you can use PICAXE-08 .. see pictures below for more details ..
pin1 = OUT1
pin0 = OUT0

All what you need to do is to ad two buttons to, say, IN1 and IN2 pins and modify software in such a way that it counts up if you press the button connected to IN1 and down if you press the button connected to IN2 ..
How it works:
The actual count occurs inside the microcontroller, so each time you press a button the internal counter (one of "b" registers") increases/decreases its value, and the microcontroller sends out "N" pulses, but because these pulse are sent out very fast (mili-seconds) what you will see on the display is the number which is equal to the stage of the counter (b register) ..

If you would like to learn more on PICAXE, including free software, examples, et. etc. goto: **broken link removed**



    Points: 2
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2 digit 99 min counter

IanP said:
For this simple project you can use PICAXE-08 .. see pictures below for more details ..
pin1 = OUT1
pin0 = OUT0

All what you need to do is to ad two buttons to, say, IN1 and IN2 pins and modify software in such a way that it counts up if you press the button connected to IN1 and down if you press the button connected to IN2 ..
How it works:
The actual count occurs inside the microcontroller, so each time you press a button the internal counter (one of "b" registers") increases/decreases its value, and the microcontroller sends out "N" pulses, but because these pulse are sent out very fast (mili-seconds) what you will see on the display is the number which is equal to the stage of the counter (b register) ..

If you would like to learn more on PICAXE, including free software, examples, et. etc. goto: h**p://


Thanks to you,

But I want this project using microcontroller.

Would you please help me.

I am waiting your reply

datasheet of 89c51

I found that {74LS193} is an up and down binary counter my question in how to connect two of them to make a digital up and down counter from 00 to 99?

I appreciate your help.

two digit up/down counter

hi hassan if you wan to do this using microcontroller the why not you for timers in it. for example if u r using 89c51 atmel ic then there are two timers which you can use as a counter mode and start counting .load a specific hex value in those timers and use them as a counter. read the datasheet of 89c51 or "mazidi" for example .you will be able to do it. its simple. if still problem let me know i will explain you the whole thing and give you the part of code for which values you have to set in timer register to make them counter.

hope this helps


    Points: 2
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sample ci 74193 down counter

You are sending mixed messages: on one hnd you said you wanted to use a microcontroller, and, for example, PICAXE is a MICROCONTROLLER form PIC family, on the other hand you have come up with 74193, which is a TTL binary up/down counter and has nothing to do with microcontrollers ..

Take a look at the pictures below .. they are example of connecting 74193 binary counters: 4-digit up/down and 2-digit 0-99 ..



    Points: 2
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2 digit up/down counter circuit

Thanks to you, but where to put the two switches for counting up and down?

up counter counter using microcontroller

use 89c2051 with int0 interupt

Added after 2 minutes:

use 89c2051 with int0 interupt

Added after 23 seconds:

use 89c2051 with int0 interupt

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