Two basic Linux questions ....

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Advanced Member level 4
Apr 12, 2005
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San Jose, California, USA
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Hello every body...
I have two questions about Linux..

1. Should I to see Flash drive or CD-ROM on RedHat to mount them as drives? if yes, please tell how to do in steps.

2. How to change shell type from csh to bash I tried the chsh instruction, but nothing changed, and i think that i should install something to enable bash i think! is that correct? how then?

Thanks alot in advance,

1-yes, they should be automatically mounted , try to check the /media directory
2-type in the terminal "bash' without quotes , to do it permenantly >applications>system settings>users and groups but u have to have a root permission
this is the full path "/media" for instance when i connect my Flash the directory to it is "/media/usbdisk"
1. just mount the devices for your cdrom and usb anywhere you want.

I do it like this,

#mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/myusb
and the cdrom as
#mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
or just
# mount /dev/cdrom

you may add an entry in the /etc/fstab , if you want these devices to load automatically at startup.

2. to change the shell just type csh from bash (switch to Cshell from bash) and type exit or Ctrl D to go back.
When an entry is made in "/etc/fstab" for a file-system the options should be specofied as "noauto" also file-system type should be specified as "auto". Other wise system will try to mount the flash drive which may not be connected atall. The filesystem in a flash drive can be anything.

Thats possible, refer the Knoppix distribution.

Whenever you insert a new USB device, you can detect it through the /proc interface. So may be you should write some scripts to mount the partitions in the USB HD or Flash drive to appropriate locations.

mehboob_iiui said:
what if I want it to mount automatically when inserted

what distro are you using? Providing that would help. Most distros, if they are current enough, already have automounting working as part of KDE or Gnome (so you basically just put in the USB and you'll find an icon popping up under KDE or Gnome). If you're using some other window manager or want it to automount, you can look into udev. udev lets you permanently name devices and do things such as automount under a certain name as well as execute an application. This is largely used when you insert something like a USB camera. If udev is configured, you'll find that it automatically launches gphoto which allows you to copy your pictures from the camera, etc.

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