Turn ON/OFF ethernet data signal to prevent lightning damage

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Advanced Member level 1
Aug 13, 2005
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ethernet cable turn on off switch

Hi colegue's,
I need some electronics design to switch on/off all 8 wires data from ethernet cable,
I use equipment (locate to very high tower) with ethernet data sending and when we have thunderstoke (lightning) I must claim to disconnect data cable, after that I must connect them again,
I found sms command electronics to send command but I need advice what is the best way to swith all 8 data wires, relay probably not? maybe some digital swich IC...

how to prevent lighting damage to switches

I do not think that relays will withstand the hundreds of kV produced by a direct lightning strike. Your best foolproof method would be to disconnect the cable and move it very far away from your equipment.

Although it is labor intensive, only connect the cable when you are sending or receiving data.

The best foolproof method would be to convert to and from fiber optics and have the fiber very long.


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ethernet is not turn on

pasicr said:
I need some electronics design to switch on/off all 8 wires data from ethernet cable, I use equipment (locate to very high tower) with ethernet data sending and when we

At what point will millimeters in a switch stop what three miles of sky could not? Use a solution that means direct lightning strikes without damage - for over 100 years. Notice how 911 operators remove headsets and leave the building during thunderstorms? Notice how your phone service discontinues service all over town when a thunderstorm approaches? None do that. Suffer direct lightning strikes, and no damage. Learn of and install what they do.

An application note examples two structures - each with its own earth ground - so that damage does not occur. Any wire entering either structure first connects to single point earth ground. Even underground wires must be earthed before entering: The Need for Coordinated Protection
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Effective ethernet protector also connects every wire in every cable to earth ground. But ethernet will not operate when shorted to earth. So that 'less than 10 foot' connection is made via a surge protector. No surge protector does protection. An effective protector connects a surge to where energy is harmlessly dissipated - earth ground. Earth ground (not the protector) provides protection.

Some examples:
**broken link removed**

In each case, the protector makes a connection short to earth. A dedicated wire makes that connection.

BTW, that is how it was done for over 100 years. Same reasons why your telcos operates uninterrupted during every thunderstorm. Even after suffering about 100 surges during that storm - and no damage. The effective solution connects surges harmlessly to earth.


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