Turn engine off, when driver leave the seat.

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Newbie level 1
Feb 7, 2008
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I hope someone could help me?

How do I build in something that could stop the engine after 2 min, after you have leave the seat, and not have turned the ignition key off in an 24 V. excavator??

The ignition key have two wires there have power when the key switch are off. And a wire to the starting circuit. And a wire who have power when the key are on, this wire could you also see in the keyreader, i think it could be this, who tould the keyreader, that the key are on.

It must NOT be too expensive, and too big.

Hope someone could help me?
Maybe whit an schematic??


I would use a pressure sending unit in the seat to check for the weight of a person. Once the weight drops beyond a specific low point a counter would activate to count down 2 minutes.

Once 2 minutes has elapsed the motor turns off in whatever fashion you need (i.e. disconnect battery, shut fuel system off, etc).

All of this could be done with a small micro, the pressure sensing unit, and a handful of small parts.

The modern cars have a pressure sensor on the passenger side to turn the air bag on/off, depending if a person is seated or not (specific for the cars, they also check the weight of the person, if it is small then air bag is off).

You may want to check this kind of sensors.

A simple switch under the seat would be a cheap alternate.


The cheapest alternative can be some Push to open or push to close switch.. One used in Refrigerator can be very much useful.
Use this switch to triger the timer circuit set at 2 minutes. If you do not want very very accurate timings.. U can use the cheap solution with simple 555 timer IC.

an even cheaper alternative is a printed sign:


cyberrat, the sign is a great idea but what do you do about those drivers who cant read ( and dont tell me there are any out there )?

Tie them to the key?

When they leave the key comes with them?

If they cannot read then how can they become qualified at working a excavator?

Surely there are some regulations in your country too?

the ideas above seem OK, perhaps a sensor controlling a relay that is in the ignition line?
Easily added & removed when they find it

In my country we do have regulations but it amazes me sometimes the number of people that get hired for construction jobs that or cant speak or read English. They dont need to be able to read but they do need to know how to use the equipment. And from what I can tell anyone can learn how to use the equipment and not know how to read.

Heck Im pretty sure there are a fair number of those that cant even read (even in their native tongue).

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