Troubleshooting Latop Mother board/processor fault.

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Newbie level 2
May 3, 2013
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Dear sir,
this is my first post, on this site and on internet.
i have a Samsung NP-RV511-A05AE Laptop, its has main chipset as Intel HM55 Chipset with intel core i5 processor
my sister had given it for repair at samsung service center, they did not repair as it was costing more, but they had said that when they put processor the motherboard does not respond, i am confused that whether the motherboard has problem or the processor, i tried starting laptop without RAM, but it did not gave any beep, the screen is black, the power LED glows. i am physicist, so i understand basic electronics and troubleshooting, if you can give any suggestion i can try to bring the laptop back to life.
thanks and regards.
Phonon Lattice.

had you checked processor with another motherboard?
if not check with it any i5 supported motherboard.
did you get any sound,that internal fan is moving or not?

had you checked processor with another motherboard?
if not check with it any i5 supported motherboard.
did you get any sound,that internal fan is moving or not?

thanks sandeep for your reply,
i did not check the processor with another motherboard,
when i power ON the laptop(motherboard) the cpu fan works fine, even it gives little hot air out and the area near processor also becomes slight warm after some time. if i start the motherboard without RAM or HDD the motherboard does not give any beep sound.

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