Trouble with AT8515 coding...please help

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Junior Member level 1
Oct 7, 2004
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I am having some difficulties with some coding again. Please help me. The todec suborutine is to cenvert the answer to decimal while the enter subroutine is called twice, each time after I entered the first and second operands. The results that I wanted is not that accurate so I am thinking it is these two subroutines that is the problem. Hope that there is someone who is willing to read through the code for me. Thanks. By the way this project is a calculator project.


;subroutine to convert answer to decimal


todec:	ldi	ZL, low(answer)		;Z points to answer

	ldi	ZH, high(answer)

sign:	cpi	op2hi,0x80			;compare op2hi to 0x80

	brlo	load1			;if lower than goto load1

	ldi	temp, '-'			;else op2 is negative  

	st	Z+,temp			;store '-' in answer and inc Z

	com	op2hi			;negate op2

	com	op2lo

	ldi	temp,1

	add	op2lo,temp

	ldi	temp,0

	adc 	op2hi,temp

load1:	ldi	temp, azero			;load temp with ascii 0

hunds:	cpi	op2hi, 100			;compare op2hi to 100

	brlo	load2			;if less then 100 goto load2

	inc	temp			;if greater then or equal to 100 inc temp

	subi	op2hi, 100			;subtract 100 from op2hi

	rjmp	hunds			;goto hunds


load2:	st	Z+, temp			;load hundreds digit into answer, inc Z

	ldi	temp, azero			;reload temp with ascii 0

tens:	cpi	op2hi, 10			;compare op2hi to 10

	brlo	load3			;if less then 10 goto load3

	inc 	temp			;if greater then or equal to 10 increment temp

	subi	op2hi, 10			;subtract 10 from op2hi

	rjmp	tens			;goto tens


load3:	st	Z+, temp			;load tens digit into answer, inc Z

	ldi	temp, azero			;reload temp with ascii 0

ones:	add	temp, op2hi		;now temp = temp + op2hi

	st	Z+, temp			;load ones digit into answer, inc Z

	cpi	op2lo,0x00			;compare op2lo to 0

	breq	fino			;if equal, goto fino


	ldi	temp, '.'			;else, store '.' in answer and inc Z

	st	Z+, temp

	ldi	temp, azero			;reload temp with ascii 0

tenths:	cpi	op2lo, 0b00011001		;compare op2lo with .1		

	brlo	load4			;if less than goto load4

	inc	temp			;if greater than or equal inc temp

	subi	op2lo, 0b00011001		;subtract .1 from op2lo

	rjmp	tenths			;goto tenths

load4:	st	Z+,temp			;store tenths digit in answer and inc Z

	ldi	temp, azero			;reload temp with ascii 0

hundths:	cpi	op2lo, 0b00000011		;compare op2lo with .01

	brlo	pfino			;if less than goto pfino

	inc	temp			;inc temp

	subi	op2lo, 0b00000011		;subtract .01 from op2lo

	rjmp	hundths			;goto hundths

pfino:	st	Z+,temp			;store hundreths digit in answer and inc Z

fino:	clr	temp			;clear temp

	st	Z+,temp			;store temp in answer and inc Z

	ret				;return


;subroutine to handle enter key


;table to determine power of 10 to multiply current digit by

EXP10:	cpi	temp, 2			;is temp 2?		

	brne	e1			;if not goto e1

	ldi	temp, 100			;temp = 100

	ret				;return

e1:	cpi	temp, 1			;is temp 1?

	brne	e2			;if not goto e2

	ldi	temp, 10			;temp = 10

	ret				;return

e2:	cpi	temp, 0			;is temp 0?

	brne	e3			;if not goto e3

	ldi	temp, 1			;temp = 1

	ret				;return

e3:	cpi	temp, 0xff			;is temp 0xff (-1)

	brne	e4			;if not goto e4

	ldi	temp, 0b00011001		;temp = .1

	ret				;return

e4:	cpi	temp, 0xfe			;is temp 0xfe (-2)

	brne	e5			;if not goto e5

	ldi	temp, 0b00000011		;temp = .01

e5:	ret				;return


ENTER:	clr	negflag			;clear negflag

	ldi	temp, 1			;set charin to 1

	mov	charin, temp

	ldi 	ZH, high(buffer)		;buffer address to Z-ptr 

	ldi	 ZL, low(buffer)		



find:	ld	butnum, Z+			;load character Z points to into butnum and inc Z

	cpi	butnum, '.'			;is butnum the decimal point?

	breq	form			;if so goto form

	inc	charin			;else inc charin

	cp	nchar, charin		;compare charin to number of characters

	brsh	find			;if nchar is the same or higher than charin goto find

form:	ldi ZH, high(buffer)			;buffer address to Z-ptr 

	ldi ZL, low(buffer)			

	mov	ptind, charin		;move charin to ptind

	clr	numblo			;clear numb

	clr	numbhi

	ldi	temp, 1			;reset charin to 1

	mov	charin, temp


	ld	butnum, Z			;load character Z points to into butnum

	cpi	butnum, '-'			;is butnum the negative sign?

	brne	f2			;if not, goto f2

	ldi	temp,0xFF			;else set the negflag

	mov	negflag,temp

	adiw	ZL,1			;inc Z

	inc 	charin			;inc charin

f2:	cp	charin, ptind		;compare charin to ptind

	breq	f11			;if equal goto f11

	mov	temp, ptind			;temp = (ptind - charin - 1)

	sub	temp, charin

	subi	temp, 1

	rcall	exp10			;call exp10

	ld	op1hi, Z+			;load character Z points to into op1hi

	clr	op1lo			;clear op1lo

	mov	op2hi, temp		;move temp into op2hi

	clr	op2lo			;clear op2lo

	rcall	fix_mult			;call fix_mult

	add	numbhi, op2hi		;add op2hi to numbhi

	inc 	charin			;inc charin

	rjmp	f2			;goto f2

f11:	adiw	Zl, 1			;inc Z 

f1:	inc 	charin			;inc charin

	cp	nchar, charin		;compare nchar to charin

	brsh	fno			;if nchar is the same or higher than charin goto fno

	mov	temp,negflag		;move negflag to temp

	cpi	temp,0xFF			;compare to 0xFF

	brne	f3			;if not equal goto f3

	com	numbhi			;negate numb

	com	numblo

	ldi	temp,1

	add	numblo,temp

	ldi	temp,0

	adc	numbhi,temp

f3:	ret				;return

fno: 	mov	temp, ptind			;move ptind to temp

	sub	temp, charin		;temp = (ptind-charind)

	rcall	exp10			;call exp10

	mov	op2lo, temp		;move temp to op2lo

	clr	op2hi			;clear op2hi

	ld	op1hi, Z+			;load character Z points to into op1hi

	clr	op1lo			;clear op1lo

	rcall	fix_mult			;call fix_mult

	add	numblo, op2lo		;add op2lo to numblo

	rjmp	f1			;goto f1

first of all i dont remember all of these but would like to.
anyway, it is clearly seen that i ur code
rjmp   hunds
is wrong because after using that i saw that u defined a label called "
another thing can u use the codes like this binary things in ur code
subi   op2lo, 0b00000011      ;subtract .01 from op2lo
whats .01? causei guess "0b00000011" =decimal 3?

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