Trigger Pulse for IC555 using Inverted Square Pulse

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Newbie level 3
Jun 23, 2015
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I have this circuit idea of which I'm somewhat confused about its logic on how I should on to implement it.
I have a voltage sensing section that gives me a square wave of 12V DC. This is applied to a buffer stage which produces 2 12V DC Square Waves on parallel lines. One line goes to a mosfet A which is connected to a coil load and the second one goes to an inverting circuit.

My doubt is how should I create a trigger pulse for IC555 from this inverted square wave such that the trigger is formed right at the rising edge of inverting square wave. And how would the buffer stage look like?

Furthermore, the output of IC555 will go to a mosfet B which will go on to the coil load mentioned above. Basically alternate switching from the 2 mosfets depending on the voltage sensing section.


I don't know, if that's the same as many of the 555 timer devices, the 555 responds to a falling input signal 2/3rds below the rail voltage, and the trigger signal has to be shorter than the output signal. I think the 558 is different, it's described as edge-triggered (don't bother even looking at it, it's available but obsolete anyway).
Maybe by placing some inverting device before the 555 and inverting the rising edge inverting square wave you can get a falling square wave to trigger the device, or just by bypassing the inverting signal altogether.

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