Triac optocoupler problem

Sand Groper

Oct 30, 2023
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Hi All.
I am switching a small AC solenoid for a door chime with a triac optocoupler. The AC voltage is 14v. The obvious problem is it turns on but won't turn off.
I added a snubber circuit
RES = 820 ohm
cap = .01 uf
It had no effect. My question is should I try different resistance values or capacitor values or both. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Post Schematic .......

MOC3021 can't handle more than 100 mA Irms continous current according to datasheet. Doubt that your solenoid keeps this rating.

Also snubber has too high impedance to have much effect.

Thanks for your reply. I will add a triac even though the solenoid is very small.
I will then reduce the snubber impedance as per your advice

Thanks for your reply. I will add a triac even though the solenoid is very small.
I will then reduce the snubber impedance as per your advice
It is not the size, but the resistance and inductance that matters. Does it work well with a mechanical switch? It needs to be a least 4 Watts to have any force. 100 mA*12V is only 1.2VA. (ac)
Why not a DC solenoid?

Which one?
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It is not the size, but the resistance and inductance that matters.
Every solenoid is electrically specified.

For an AC solenoid I expect
* operating voltage (range), at least a maximum limit
* operating frequency (range)
* operating current, at least a maximum limit


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