I'm trying to design a transmitter thats going to work around 216Mhz. I have a crystal that's frequency is 72.025Mhz. So according to the this thread (https://www.edaboard.com/threads/137908/)
and this image . If I use 10pf capacitor, my inductor value should be .05uH. Thats true, right?
But when I connect the collector of the transistor to the oscilloscope, i see a signal like this "vV" little one's magnitude is 15mV, bigger one's is 25mV. As i know i need to see an oscillation with magnitude Vcc x2.
In addition, you hardly can acquire the oscillator output with a passive oscilloscope probe at the collector. It will completely de-tune the circuit, add a strong real load and most likely stop any oscillation (if the oscillator has been working before).
If the crystal isn't designed for overtone operation, it will possibly show very bad behavior at 216 MHz.
In the HF frequency range higher Q is a must for inductors as it represents less dissipative loss.
For the best results air core inductors are often silver plated, but also enamel covered copper wire will do the job as copper inductors has acceptable Q. Try to make your own 50nH inductor, see details An introduction to the air cored coil