Transmission line eefects

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Member level 4
Dec 24, 2005
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Hi friends

Can u clearly explain the distiction between the two :circuit and two wire transmission line..

Any books or links relating too would be helpful

could you elaborate more , idont understandthe question

best regards

Resistance said:
Hi friends

Can u clearly explain the distiction between the two :circuit and two wire transmission line..

Any books or links relating too would be helpful
In the transmission line analysis a circuit theory is used and analysed. and you can many where enoug information for example I can suggest you "radio frequency and microwave communication circuits analysis and design by devendra k. misra" also i can send a note about this

Re: Transmission line effects

hi ,

I jus wanted to know the concepts which signal integrity so critical in deep sub micron tech.

I do know a few reasons but i want to know more clearly the underlying concept that makes a net act as a transmission line.. the electro magnetic field conceptial explanation can help me more considering direction of current and feilds.

Hi Resistance

Can u clearly explain the distiction between the two :circuit and two wire transmission line..

For this question instead of distinction of the ckt and transmission line. It is more of wether to apply a transmission line technique to the ckt or not.

With very fast edge rates and high frequencies we need to apply Transmission line techniques to study and analyse the circuits.In the two wires the upper wire signifies the signal line and the below line refers the return path i. the power or gnd plane.The given below book is a good start for you

itle: High-Speed Digital System Design: A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices.

This book is in the EDAboard.Follow the link

Dr Bogatin has some good articles on his site.

**broken link removed**

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