Re: Transistor Switch
This is usual problem when it is required to control higher voltage load from microcontroller or some other logic circuit that operates on 5V or even lower. Since output of microcontroller or logic circuit can swing only from 0V to 5V, it is needed to extend swing of control voltage 0 to 12V in this case.
If one transistor is used, NPN with grounded emiter, negative line to load will have to be interupted to control load, which in some cases is not accepatble. Same thing can be achieved with PNP transistor with emiter at +12V and interupting positive line to load ( as shown in your circuit) and without NPN level shifter, but control logic would have to float below +12V to achieve that, which also might not be acceptable in some cases. So yes, same thing can be achieved with one transistor if you can accept either negative line to load being interupted or you can float control logic bellow +12V.