The "missing" messages pertain to the compact-model not
having properly specified diode params, and the diode thus
being not-modeled electrically; the warning just alerts you
to this issue and that results may not be realistic if that
diode would have wanted to conduct. Which may or may
not be the case - slight "forward bias" might contribute
trivial D-B current, or not, depending on how much at
what temp, etc.
Now adding an explicit external diode is a good way to
gauge this, provided you can give it reasonable values
that don't swamp the MOSFET operation, etc.
I don't believe the missing diodes account for an abnormal
switch behavior - more likely they would add abnormality
when present. Other than, they might constrain the body's
movement under charge pumping influences (switch turnon
and turnoff). But they can't do much until forward biased....
Now what you show, will act as a "MOS diode" under some
bias / switching conditions, and this config is only good for
a single-polarity use with some constraints like Vd > Vs.
Whether it's anything like a "switch" depends on that.