Advanced Member level 3

may i just confirm that a transition mode boost PFC stage would have a faster transient response than a continuous mode boost PFC stage.?
...i do appreciate that talking about transient response with a PFC stage is a little off target, but i do believe that a transition mode boost would respond quicker to transients....
...or rather , it would be easier to set up a transition mode boost pfc with faster transient repsonse than a ccm boost pfc?
may i just confirm that a transition mode boost PFC stage would have a faster transient response than a continuous mode boost PFC stage.?
...i do appreciate that talking about transient response with a PFC stage is a little off target, but i do believe that a transition mode boost would respond quicker to transients....
...or rather , it would be easier to set up a transition mode boost pfc with faster transient repsonse than a ccm boost pfc?