Transformers and Inductors pricing


Mar 19, 2024
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Hello all,
On what factors does the price of custom magnetics ( mainly transformer, inductor ( PFC boost , common mode and differential mode chokes) depends on?
For example shapes of the ferrite core, size of the core, amount of windings, maximum power ( in watts).From a cost perspective is an integrated transformer (LLC) better compared to transformer + resonant inductor?
Thank you !

Integrated transformer is usually for when you have very little space...or your volumes are very high.
There is more development time with integrated transformer.
Also, it will need gapped core.
Gapped cores can be a pain if your qtys are only small.
(gapped cores are common for little flybacks. but less so for the bigger cores.

Ill send you a doc on how to make a integrated transformer for LLC if you want?

High cost for trxformer is the "planar transformer", but again, if your volumes are high, then its ok.

Obviously the more coils it has, the more the labour. And tape windings are more expensive (flat windings)....since there is more labour in there termination.
Thank you for the information!
I would like to get the doc. Please send it.

Thank you very much.
I have one more question.
Do you know how is the cost share in magnetics ( transformers and inductors) ?
Parameters : Core, windings( litz wire, triple insulated wire etc), Isolation tape, glue for fixing cores, bobins.
If I consider these as the main parameters ( mass production) how is the final cost shared among these parameters in percentage approximately?
Application domain is consumer electronics (LED drivers) and battery chargers.

You would have to ask a specific winding company that.
And it would depend on what volume you bought things.
Labour cost is a significant factor.

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