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Transformer parameters

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Member level 2
Jan 15, 2011
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Hey guys,

I learnt something about transformer But need to Knowmore...

According to me

Voltage ratio depends on the turns ratio.
Current is inversely proportional to the AWG of the coil..

But now i want to know is how to calculate current in the coil in terms of AWG

Also if i vary the AWG of the coil,i am sure it will effect the Voltage output too...So there need to be some formula to get everything in place

Can anyone help me on that plz...

Thanks & Regards
Nikhil :wink:

well, I don't know too much, but firstly there is I^2 * R loss. varying the AWG will change the R. So lookup the conductance of copper, and the diameter of the copper wire and I'm sure you can calculate the DC....
hmm....yeah but transformers are more complicated......

Also there is the fact that for high frequency power transformers, winding many parallel winding of smaller wire diameter performs much
better than a single larger wire winding.....
...even when the total cross-section area of copper of the windings of 2 such comparable transformers are the same......
Great going Xaccto,
But as the AWG of wire changes so will my voltage get effected..
Now it is not possible to use the same formula V1/V2=N1/N2 for calculating the same voltage..SO can you help me on this

Also do you know where i can get sufficient amout of knowledge about transformers from....plz Help

Thanks and Regards

a good information is here.
**broken link removed**
Look in the "POWER SUPPLIES" section and you will find TRANSFORMERS PART 1,2 and 3. both iron and ferrite cores are discussed.
Voltage ratio depends on the turns ratio.
Current is inversely proportional to the AWG of the coil.
I would emphasize the principle operation in first place: Actual transformer currents depend on the turns ratio as well, but inversely. Wire gauges only determine maximum current handling respectively ohmic voltage drop.

In addition to setting the specified voltage ratio with the turns ratio, a minimal number of turns is also required by the maximum core flux respectively minimum turns per volt for a given core cross section and operation frequency.
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