The circuit is missing a series capacitor.
Also, when Q1 turns off, the pri magnetising current will overvoltage the Q1.
Try this document to find your way...
Laszlo Balogh.
High speed mosfet driver design...
Figure 35 . page 32 looks good for you.
Or fig 39, page 35.....has no series capacitors, but the pri is driven with equal and opposite volt.seconds in each direction, so it gets reset.
But mind the sec high pulse height will depend on the duty cycle.
Attached is a nice GDT for you. In LTspice
The following SMPS course, under the headings "Gate Drive" and "Gate Drive Transformer" has some offerings in LTspice etc for you to peruse.
SMPS course_little folders
I am glad you asked, as it is good to do so , and it will be massively financially beneficial to the owner of your company that you have taken to the forum. Have no fear that you give away company secrets, as this is the "electrician level" of electronics, and too general to be company IP.....its more like Electrician's knowledge.