Transformer - I need help please

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Newbie level 3
Oct 19, 2009
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I have a 12v output pump in my aqarium and have :?:a 9v output transformer, can I use it or what other transformer would be better?

Marsbar4 said:
I have a 12v output pump in my aqarium and have :?:a 9v output transformer, can I use it or what other transformer would be better?
First confirm wether your pump works on AC orr DC. Coz you may use a 9 volt transformor and proportinally the pump will be having lesser pressure when compared connecting with regular power supply of 12 volts. Naturally 12 volt supply will work better with the same. Also have a look at the current requirements and select a power supply which can cater the same. Cheers

Thank you for the information and sincere apologies for delay in getting back. Pump says to use an AA Adapter?? I have no electrical knowledge whatsoever, all it says is 12vac 1500ma output on wire from pump. I have some adapters but am too scared to try them in case I "blow something up"

If it is written 12Vac on wire from pump, it certainly says the pump shud be supplied with 12 volts AC. You may try connecting other transformors but do ensure that the output is 12 or below that. Rememeber!.... You at your own. I'll not be responsible if you blow your pump....LOL....Cheers

Tks Pranam77- will try one equal or less than 12v output and see what happens!!
Tks for your help, much appreciated.

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