Ideal TLs are losless,therefore infinite Q factor of your TL resonator makes your oscillator working.MSs are lossy and therefore Q factor is limited and that's why your oscillator doesn't start to oscillate.
As a rule of thumb, equivalent resistor of your resonator should be 3 times bigger that negative resistance of your oscillator input where your look at.If oscillator doesn't work even you provide this rule, play around some feedback capacitors or increase or decrease slightly OP of the transistor because there is a relationship betwen gm value of your transistor and minimum Q factor of your resonator that can be connected to feedback loop.
Check first parametrically negative resistance looking into active part and choose component values that will give you minimum negative resistance at the frequency of interest.
Question: Why you used 50 Ohm port at left handside ??I couldn't resolve your osc. circuit.Oscport component is faulty inserted, it doesn't work in this configuration.You resonator should be grounded without 50 ohm port element.Check your configuration..