Transcapacitor is it a reality?

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Full Member level 5
Jan 5, 2006
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Bangalore, India
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Is there or has there been anything invented called transcapacitor?
Can anyone provide the details?

transcapacitor alien technology

Hi Dear,

For critical applications, a unique series of capacitor technologies selectively deployed in our amplifiers.

Called TransCAPACITOR™, these innovative and bespoke components are made from only the highest quality materials with sound quality, longevity and precision engineering at the heart of their design. There is no shortcut to perfection, the technologies are formed in parallel with relevant circuitry, technology, and specific filtering effects.

Consider that every component is a filter, and that every effect it generates acts within the context of the whole system to create a particular sound. It becomes clear that design techniques have to 'fit' the overall behavior of a given circuit and those desired within a complete system.

Consider also, that certain systems and applications require energy to be stored, a suitable character, and others require energy to be expelled at, literally, the speed of sound.

It becomes clear that behavior and character of components co-determine the quality of sound achieved.

Thus uses an array of technologies, foils, conductor materials, according to the application. The myth that 'One size fits all"is clearly banished from the discipline of design. Not surprisingly, well over 20 variants of TransCAPACITOR™ currently exist, and these work complementarily with our stock of easily available quality parts.

The "transcapacitor" is alleged to be technology reverse engineered from
crashed alien technology

transcapacitor what is

@vicky you just did a google search and copied and pasted whatever you could find.

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